Meeting of Accession Conference with Lithuania
Mr. President,
Mr. Commissioner,
Dear colleagues,
Our accession negotiations have now reached the crucial stage when the most important chapters are to be dealt with. Today’s progress in our negotiations demonstrates that we are able to reach compromises on issues of high importance. We should continue to follow the road map in order to conclude our negotiations by December. The Spanish Presidency has resolutely contributed to the fulfilment of the road map. We also owe much to the excellent co-operation with the Commission. I am convinced that the Member States will soon agree on the remaining substantial Common Position on Agriculture.

Lithuania is pursuing its preparations for accession in an intensive manner. The Action Plan for reinforcing Lithuania’s administrative and judicial capacity, jointly agreed with the European Commission under the Spanish Presidency, is a clear demonstration of our efforts.
Mr. President,
I confirm our agreement with today’s agenda and the Summary Conclusions of the fifth Ministerial meeting of the Accession Conference, held on 12 December 2001.
Mr. President,
Dear colleagues,
I confirm the provisional closure of the chapters your have just mentioned: Transport Policy, Taxation, Co-operation in the Fields of Justice and Home Affairs, Financial Control, and Institutions.
I am particularly satisfied with the provisional closure of the Taxation chapter, including the agreement of the EU to grant Lithuania a transitional period for the cigarettes excise duties.
Negotiations on the Justice and Home Affairs
Negotiations on the Justice and Home Affairs chapter, I think, were concluded at the right time. Our agreed commitments are clear: with a view to fully implementing the Schengen acquis and the lifting of internal border controls, Lithuania will harmonise its visa policy with the EU acquis in 2003, including the introduction of the visa regime for the residents of the Kaliningrad region. This is a demanding task in both political and practical terms, and it will require further assistance from the EU. Smooth functioning of the visa regime, however, largely depends on the co-operation of the Russian Federation with the enlarging Union. On our part, I can only reconfirm our readiness and expectation to continue to be fully involved in the Union’s contacts with Russia in this area.
As regards the chapter on Institutions, it is clear that the Conference will have to return to it at a later stage of negotiations.
Dear Mr. President,
Dear Mr. Commissioner,
Dear colleagues,
It is with a special feeling that I agree with the EU proposal to provisionally close the Energy chapter. On this occasion I request that the following declaration by Lithuania, together with the EU declaration read by the Presidency, be recorded in the Summary Conclusions of our meeting:
“On May 23, 2002 Lithuania submitted to the Conference additional information under chapter 14 “Energy”. In that context Lithuania confirms that according to the National Energy Strategy adopted in October 5, 1999 Unit 1 of Ignalina NPP will be closed before 2005.
Lithuania welcomes the EU declaration
Lithuania welcomes the EU declaration and in particular that the EU acknowledges readiness to continue to provide adequate additional Community assistance to the decommissioning effort also after Lithuania’s accession to the European Union. Lithuania highlights this expression of solidarity and bearing this in mind, Lithuania commits to the closure of the Unit 2 of Ignalina NPP by 2009. Lithuania thus understands that a programme organising additional financial assistance of the EU to the closure of Unit 1 of INPP before 2005 and of its Unit 2 by 2009 will be addressed at a later stage of accession negotiations. By implementing this programme Lithuania will address the consequences of closure of the Ignalina NPP.”
Let me also note that on 14 May 2002 the Seimas adopted a Resolution in which the Parliament acknowledged the necessity to set the conditions for the closure of the plant at the date which would be in line with Lithuania’s timetable of accession, emphasised the importance of high nuclear safety standards, and showed awareness of the importance of Lithuanian co-financing of the closure. In my opinion, the Seimas Resolution substantially contributed to the agreement, which was confirmed today.
Provisional closure
Provisional closure of this chapter means that we have agreed on the principle of dealing at a later stage of the negotiations with this exceptional and complex issue, which will lead us to the final agreement on the Community support regarding the issues related to and consequences of the closure of Unit 1 and Unit 2 of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant. I hope to continue our dialogue on these issues also with the European Commission. I would like to extend my appreciation to all parties engaged in dealing constructively with this common issue up to this moment and their contribution to the agreement we have reached today. I agree with you, Mr. President, that Commissioner Verheugen deserves special appreciation for his contribution to this outcome. I look forward to continuing our intensive work towards reaching the final agreement on the outstanding financial issues.
Dear Mr. President,
Dear Mr. Commissioner,
As regards Regional policy and co-ordination of structural instruments chapter, Lithuania would also like the following declaration to be recorded in the Summary Conclusions of our meeting:
Lithuania accepts the provisions of the EU Common Position
”Lithuania accepts the provisions of the EU Common Position as regards territorial organisation, legislative and institutional frameworks, administrative and programming capacity as well as financial and budgetary management.
As regards financial issues, Lithuania considers that specific amounts indicated in the EU Common Position for appropriations to Lithuania under structural funds, Cohesion Fund and Community Initiatives are tentative, provided on a provisional basis and do not prejudge the final amount of funds allocated to structural operations in Lithuania. Lithuania accepts the EU proposal to return to the negotiations on the financial aspects related to this chapter at the later stage of the accession negotiations.
Lithuania recalls its position that EU long-term financial assistance to deal with the consequences of the closure of the Ignalina NPP should be without prejudice and additional to the assistance provided to Lithuania through the structural funds and the Cohesion Fund.
Lithuania reserves the right to return to this chapter as soon as the EU proposes a concrete amount of funds allocated to Lithuania from the structural funds, Cohesion Fund and Community Initiatives.”
Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant
On this basis Lithuania accepts the EU proposal to provisionally close chapter Regional policy and co-ordination of structural instruments.
As regards Financial and Budgetary Provisions, Lithuania welcomes the adoption of the EU Common Position on this chapter. Let me recall that also in this chapter Lithuania draws a particular attention to the specific issue of financing of the closure of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant to be discussed at a later stage of the negotiations.
As far as Lithuania’s contribution to the EU budget after accession is concerned, I consider that we should search for solutions which guarantee that in net terms Lithuania will not be worse off in 2004 than in 2003 and furthermore, that we do not become a net contributor to the EU budget. At this stage, Lithuania maintains its position that a transitional period allowing for a gradual increase of its budgetary contribution would be the most appropriate solution.
I am also pleased to note the very good progress made regarding the veterinary and phytosanitary aspects of the Agriculture chapter and that all issues have been negotiated. I am satisfied that the Union is able to accept a number of our requests for transitional periods, including those concerning the issue of public health conditions as recorded in the individual binding plans for certain specific establishments for animal products until 31 December 2006, as well as compliance of diary farms with the EU veterinary requirements for the same period. I can assure you that Lithuania will successfully implement the veterinary and phytosanitary acquis and that it is ready to take all necessary steps to realise this important task.
Using this opportunity
Using this opportunity I would like comment on the remaining part of this chapter. First of all, specific circumstances of Lithuania’s agriculture will need to be taken into account during the further negotiations. Over the last decade our agriculture has experienced a double shock of transition: eliminating legacies of the collective and state controlled farming as well as restitution of land ownership. The depth of the transition is distinct from other candidate countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Lithuania will, therefore, seek that respective reference periods for quotas be established while duly taking into account relevant statistics for the whole decade from 1990 until 2000. Lithuania will also aim to obtain a level of direct payments for Lithuanian farmers that would not distort competition on the single market of agricultural goods between the current and new Member States of the EU.
Mr. President,
Dear colleagues,
Before concluding, I would like to note that we have made a breakthrough today in the accession negotiations by provisionally closing the Energy chapter. The closure of this chapter marks the beginning of a process leading to a final agreement on the financing of the closure of the Ignalina NPP under the incoming Presidency of the Union.
I also want to thank all our partners including the Spanish Presidency, the EU Member States, the European Commission and the Council Secretariat for excellent contacts and co-operation during this busy and productive semester.
Thank you.