Lithuania pledges contribution to the United Nations High Commissioner‘s for Refugee office

On 5 December the Permanent Representative of Lithuania in Geneva Ambassador Darius Staniulis took part in the annual UNHCR Pledging Conference and announced Lithuania’s pledge of 100,000 euros unearmarked support to the budget of the UNHCR in 2024.
“Russia’s ongoing war of aggression against Ukraine and various forms of hybrid war, including instrumentalisation of migration, require our constant attention,” – Ambassador Staniulis said.
He also stressed the need for sustainable solutions in the context of new and recurring conflicts, climate change and pandemia, which have devastating impact on refugees, displaced and other persons of concern. Tackling both the root causes and consequences requires strong dedication, ambitious solutions and commitment to humanitarian action.
With the aim to support the UNHCR’s humanitarian efforts around the world, Lithuania annually contributes to its budget