Minister M. Jakubauskienė: We Support Alcohol Control Policy

Minister M. Jakubauskienė: We Support Alcohol Control Policy

Opening of the Conference

On Monday, Minister of Health Marija Jakubauskienė welcomed the speakers and participants of the international conference “Lessons in Alcohol Control Policy.”

Lithuania’s Progress in Alcohol Control

By implementing evidence-based alcohol control measures, Lithuania has been reducing alcohol consumption for the second decade in a row. Once a leading country in Europe for alcohol consumption, Lithuania has now successfully moved down to lower positions in this ranking.

Impact of Policy Measures

The progress of the last decade is evident. The ban on alcohol advertising alone has had a significant effect. Timely measures prevented harm to youth health when alcohol advertising was prohibited on social media platforms. This has undoubtedly influenced young people’s attitudes toward alcohol.

Research Findings

Studies have confirmed that a new generation has grown up with significantly weaker alcohol consumption habits. Scientists and responsible institutions, conducting continuous research and closely monitoring indicators, have found that adolescents and young people consume less alcohol, and their health is affected far less than it was a decade ago.

Government Priorities

“This government prioritizes mental health. The issue is inseparable from the use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol, in society. Therefore, alcohol consumption control is both a fundamental part of our policy and a priority,” stated Minister Jakubauskienė. An important and pressing issue is Lithuania’s mortality rate, particularly among men, which is still influenced by alcohol consumption. Institutions, scientists, and the country’s healthcare system are expected to tackle this challenge.

Commitment to Evidence-Based Policy

“I fully support an alcohol control policy based on scientific research and deeply respect the scientists and professionals tirelessly working in this field. Encouraging researchers and responsible institutions to continue their efforts with the same dedication, I reaffirm my commitment to doing the same—whether through legislative collaboration or other means,” said Minister of Health M. Jakubauskienė.
Sources: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania
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