Approval by the Ministry of the Interior
The Ministry of the Interior, considering evolving threats and risks, has approved a new procedure for crisis and emergency management plans.
Government Program Objectives
According to Minister of the Interior Vladislav Kondratovič, the government program stipulates that in order to ensure effective preparedness for crises and emergencies, it is necessary to continuously update these plans and ensure that all related entities are properly informed and prepared.
Implementation of a Unified Standard
“Under the new procedure, all crisis management plans must be developed according to a uniform standard and linked to the National Risk Analysis. The updated structure of the plans includes important innovations related to civil defense, aiming to ensure the safety of residents during emergencies,” said the Minister of the Interior.
New Priorities in the Plans
For the first time, these plans will include structural sections on population protection in shelters and collective protection structures, as well as assistance for people with disabilities to ensure their protection and safety during emergencies. Additionally, more attention must be given to planning cooperation with international partners to enable effective collaboration in response to threats that exceed national response capacities.
Planning Human Resources
Another significant innovation is the requirement for a detailed planning of human resources needed to respond to crises and emergencies, including the involvement of NGO volunteers. Furthermore, there is now an option to integrate prevention measures into the plan, eliminating the need for separate prevention plans for institutions and agencies. These innovations will help ensure even better preparedness for emergency situations and crisis management.
Updating Existing Plans
Lithuania currently has one national plan, 34 plans for state institutions and agencies, 60 municipal plans, and over 3,000 plans for other institutions and economic entities. Existing plans must be reviewed and updated by 2025.
Investments in Civil Defense
To strengthen civil defense, the government program also includes investments in shelters, aiming to establish at least 1,000 shelters by 2028, enhancing their resilience and/or adapting them for people with disabilities. Agreements with municipalities for investments in at least 300 shelters will be signed in the coming weeks.
Funding for Shelters
Under the Civil Safety Strengthening and Development Program, a total of €77 million is planned to be allocated for shelter investments by 2030. Municipalities can apply for funding based on their population size.
Sources: Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania
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